





99%的离心泵曲线看起来是相似的,这也意味着99%的离心泵的工作方式是相同的。BETVICTOR体育官网流量通常以加仑/分钟(gpm)表示在x轴上,压力以总动态扬程(TDH)表示在y轴上(见图3)。使用TDH代替磅/平方英寸(psi),因为任何给定的离心泵都会产生相同的TDH,以泵出的液体的英尺表示,与比重(SG)无关。TDH的计算为:(PSI x 2.31)/SG)。2.31是由2.31英尺高的水柱产生的1磅压力的常数。


图2显示,在43.3 psi的压力下抽水产生100 TDH(想象一个100英尺高的水柱)。尽管硫酸应用的压力表显示的压力要高得多,但最终的TDH仍然是100英尺。反之,汽油的应用也是如此;压力较低,但相同的100tdh。上面提供的公式可能是泵应用工程师要知道的最重要的公式,特别是在对运行中的泵进行故障排除时。BETVICTOR体育官网在许多情况下,现场只有一个压力表和泵速。将压力转换为TDH可以让您开始在曲线上绘制点,“返回”到gpm,有助于了解泵在曲线上的运行位置。重要的是要注意TDH是完全动态的,或发展的,头。这只考虑了泵所做的实际工作。所以在计算扬程时,必须先将吸入压力减去排放压力,再换算为TDH。 Also remember the horsepower required to do the same amount of work. It requires more horsepower to pump a heavier fluid the same distance. Now, back to the pump curve. Centrifugal pumps are dynamic machines, or as I like to say it, they are dumb. They are slaves to the system that they are installed in. The centrifugal pump represented by this curve can run anywhere on the curve. Let’s go back to the garden watering example. So, we’re back to your thumb being half over the hose. You are “pumping” a certain flow, let’s call it 10 gpm at a TDH of 15 feet. The pump is running at point A on the curve (see Figure 3). You then put your finger three-fourths over the hose opening; less flow, more pressure. Now the pump is running at point B on the curve. Now you move your finger to cover only one-fourth of the opening; more flow, less pressure. Now the pump is running at point C on the curve. Now change the hose to discharge piping, and change your finger to a discharge control valve. When you close down on the valve, the pump moves to the left and up. When you open the valve, the pump moves to the right and down. The pump is dumb. It only will run on that curve where the system allows it to. It does not care what you thought you designed the pump for, or what you thought you specified the conditions to be. It will only run where the system allows it to run. It is not uncommon to get the following call from an end user: “I specified 150 gpm at 80 TDH. We’re only getting 80 gpm from the pump, something must be wrong with the pump.” We actually hope that something is wrong with the pump because those problems are the easiest to solve. But my “gut” estimate from 28 years of experience is that 95 percent of these issues have nothing to do with the actual pump. Maybe there was a 100-foot stretch of pipe the user thought was 4 inches in diameter but is actually only 2 inches. Maybe there was a filter installed somewhere in the system that the end user was unaware of. In either case, the pump is likely running where the system is allowing it to run. So we’ve reviewed the basics of pump curve: flow, head and general operation. Let’s look at some other important aspects of centrifugal pumps.


制动马力(BHP)表示能量被添加到流体中的速率。计算公式为(TDH × gpm × SG)/ (3960 ×泵%)。让我们以TDH为70的175 gpm为例。泵送流体的SG为0.95,制造商泵曲线的效率为68%。





图4显示了一个典型的泵性能曲线。您会注意到,它的总体形状与我们最初展示的简单的单线曲线非常相似。泵叶轮可以修整到最小直径7英寸,最大直径10英寸。从理论上讲,可以提供无限多个叶轮直径;然而,大多数制造商在1/8英寸的增量修剪。选择叶轮直径后,泵现在可以在叶轮直径曲线上的任何位置运行,但只能在叶轮直径曲线上运行,假设转速恒定。抛物线是效率线。因此,使用直径10英寸的叶轮,该泵的最高效率为70%,而最低效率为55%。然而,一旦叶轮修整,BEP就会发生变化。使用8英寸叶轮的BEP约为67%,在65%和68%的效率线之间,但更接近后者,因此为67%。 The corresponding gpm and TDH would be 155 and 55 respectively.

泵1,3 × 1.5-6图5。泵1,3 × 1.5-6

曲线上从左上到右下的直线虚线是BHP线。使用我们前面的175 gpm在70 TDH的例子,您可以通过绘制曲线上的点来估计BHP。这个点介于3马力和5马力之间,但更接近5马力,所以合理的估计是4到4.5马力。我们上面的计算显示了4.3,证明了假设SG接近1.0,可以从曲线中直观地得到一个很好的估计。所有用户都希望运行尽可能高效的泵。也就是说,在笔者看来,更重要的是泵在性能曲线上的运行位置。说明这一点的最佳方法是下面的简单示例。让我们选择一个在130 TDH下的200 Gpm的任意额定值。图5和图6BETVICTOR体育官网中的两个泵都可以实现这个额定值。1号泵处于BEP,效率为70%。 Pump 2 is running to the left of the curve but has an efficiency of 74 percent. Which pump do you select? That’s an easy one.

泵2,3 x 206图6。泵2,3 x 206

74%效率的泵,对吧?毕竟,这样更有效率。好吧,我会选择第一个泵,牺牲4个百分点的效率。为什么?因为泵运行在曲线上液压和机械上最稳定的点。这并不是说3x2-6在曲线上的一个糟糕点上运行。在效率方面,假设采用了水驱,BHP差值仅为0.5 (9.4 BHP vs. 8.9 BHP)。我并不是在低估21世纪节能的重要性;然而,我愿意牺牲0.5 BHP换取更可靠、更稳定的泵。对于较大的流程应用程序,这可能不那么简单。 At 16,000 gpm at 240 TDH, the difference between 86 and 83 percent efficiency is over 40 hp. Imagine plugging in a 40 hp motor and letting it run 24/7 over in the corner of your facility for the next 25 years. So, my point here is, efficiency is not the be-all and end-all. It is one consideration when selecting a pump.

