Tamara Morytko回答了泵与系统公司的几个行业问题。BETVICTOR体育官网

Flowserve泵部门总裁Tamara Morytko回答了泵与系统公司关于20BETVICTOR体育官网22年行业状况的几个问题。


新冠疫情对全球造成了毁灭性的影响,没有哪个行业或个人能幸免于其影响。 在福斯,我们通过为员工和社区创造安全的工作场所来实现我们的安全价值观。这是我们文化的基础,也是我们即使在大流行的挑战中也表现出色的一个关键领域。遵守国际、联邦、地方和客户标准一直是我们安全文化的一部分。随着我们运营的许多地方以及我们越来越多的全球主要客户发布COVID-19疫苗需求,情况依然如此。 We are currently working through these requirements and intend to comply to ensure we can continue to differentiate our offerings with the service we provide to our customers. 


我们继续看到与通货膨胀迅速上升和我们行业面临的全球供应链问题一致的逆风。 We have been very aggressive in working strategically to combat these increases and through the work of our Transformation 2.0 activities over the past 3 years, have been well positioned to minimize the impact for us and our customers.  Leveraging our spend in focused commodity areas and focusing on tighter standardization of our industrial product specifications have truly been key to minimizing this impact during the second half of 2021 and for what we can see ahead of us in 2022.


该行业需要迅速拥抱数字化。 连接ed mechanical hardware can be most optimized when leveraged with artificial intelligence to capture data that not only identifies how things are operating but when analyzed together can be predictive and opportunistic to the entire solution being serviced.  From reliability of system uptime to true savings on dollars being spent on energy consumption, the digitized flow control system can be one of the most powerful tools to guide us into a new future.  Predictive analytics have been used for decades and the technology is now more robust than ever before.  Broader acceptance of its value and importance in not only the initial OE capital spend but more notably in life cycle management will be the next game changing step required for flow control systems across multiple industry segments.




市场正在从新冠疫情的停滞中恢复,因此,多个行业提供高效泵的能力正在强势恢复。BETVICTOR体育官网 我们看到了强劲的需求增长,重点关注交货时间和与过去所需的不同水平的支持。 福斯的一个重点是能够继续帮助我们的客户建立基础,将他们的目标付诸行动。 例如,我们与当前的石油和天然气客户合作,帮助他们完成能源转型。 The ability to bring more energy efficiency to their current applications, to capture the carbon elements and assist in their environmental goals, to inventing new ways to store energy, extend battery life or enhance the accessibility of renewables will redefine the future and hence the value of those who provide flow control solutions in the future.  We plan to be on the cutting edge of these innovations leveraging our heritage of solving the challenging issues and lock step with the needs of our customers.


我们员工的健康和幸福让我夜不能寐。 People have been asked to engage in new ways, deliver at a faster pace and redefine success in pivotal ways like never before.  The pandemic has taken an emotional and mental toll on everyone and each persons ‘reality’ is different and equally important to value and embrace.  We ask more and more of our employees and are driving company cultures from afar more than ever.  The pure mental gymnastics that everyone must play to be seen, heard and impactful can be exhausting.  We continue to raise the bar on our employee check-ins, open discussions and collective involvement on the pathways forward and how it is impacting each person, their role and their ability to feel connected and contributing in a valuable way.  Is it enough?  Is there another way to engage?  How long can this constant cycle of change go on and how can we keep our people energized, refreshed and actively engaged with their hearts and minds.  Time will tell but until then the nights will continue to be restless for leaders who care for their people.
